SEO Case Study
The Brief
Snap’s story started in 1899. Today they are most commonly known for printing: from business cards, brochures, to event stands, and merchandising. There are 17 centres directly owned or franchises across the country. Although print has been cited as declining Snap has been able to buck that trend. On an average day, Snap will deal with approximately 500 businesses across all of their centres. Despite this, competition has meant business has been steady, but relatively flat in terms of growth.
Snap agreed to work with Javelin Digital to help with their organic search visibility (SEO). They had recently migrated to a new website, however organic rankings were not where they should be, and for some terms non existent. We were tasked with improving visibility for core keywords both nationally and regionally to support both the activities of the direct operations as well as the franchises.
What we did for Snap Printing
By working collaboratively with internal resources, we were able to make a series of on-page website changes, including but not limited to increasing page speed, adjustment to the the information architecture, server and domain configuration to ensure all content and information could be seen, understood both by Google and visitors to the site, and ranked appropriately. The challenge here was inherent to the business, as they offer such a vast array of services that they were in direct competition with an equally vast number of other companies. This lead us to shift our efforts to creative content and earned media for link building a coverage purposes to encourage audience engagement and conversions through online PR and social media targeting and a whole host of other initiatives that target demographic would find interesting and useful.
The Results
After implementing our SEO strategy, Snap Ireland noticed a 43.77% increase in organic traffic from new visitors and an increase in return users. These users viewed 24.71% more pages while on the site, spent longer browsing and we reduced the bounce rate by almost a quarter. In regards to conversion we achieved a 484% increase.
- Organic Traffic Increase by 43%
- Bounce Rate Reduced By: 24%
- Conversions Increased By 484%
What the client says
Javelin Digital has delivered on every expectation and goal set out since we started working together in good faith, and would confidently recommended them to other businesses.
Elish Bull, Marketing at Snap Group Office